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Should Product People Learn Debate Skills?
While in school I enjoyed a healthy debate. However, as I grew older realized debates can get very toxic especially when emotions are involved. However, debates can be fun if executed properly. Recently I appeared on BBC Asian Networks big debate with Qasá Alom. Being on the show got me thinking should product people learn…
5 things to consider before creating your online course
In this article, I plan to share 5 things to consider before creating your online course. In reality, as I build People Skills for Product People I really thought about the below 5 things to enhance the student experience. 1: Create content in various forms People learn differently some people are visual learners. Some prefer…
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Introducing People Skills for Product People
People Skills for Product People is a live course based on learning by doing to help you develop your soft/ EQ skills you’ll need to grow in your career. As Product People, we tend to focus on technical skills (or hard skills) such as A/B testing, business models, KPIs, MVPs, strategy, roadmaps, etc. You know…
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Learn by doing
Last week I wrote about How to learn X? and this week is a follow up on the learn by doing series. In this article, I’ll talk about why I like to Learn by Doing and introduce #TPAPitchside 2020. Why Learn by Doing? As someone who has been in the position of a student and…
How to learn X?
I’ll be honest, I was in two minds Before calling the title of this article How to learn X?. In the end, I decided to go with it. I’m not telling you anything you didn’t already know in this article. I’ve had a fun relationship with learning, there was a time when I absolutely hated…
Are you ready to sell?
But wait, I don’t sell anything. Well, love it or hate it; you need to be ready to sell. The purest form of selling that everyone experiences at some point in life is selling your skills to get a job. The best salesperson receives the job. However, we are not here to get a new…