5 tips before taking the SQE Exam
The SQE exam testing window is opening. Here are 5 tips before taking the SQE exam.
1. Know your location, Date & time
It is likely some time since you booked the SQE exam. Take this opportunity to remind yourself of the below information for each day you need to attend.
- Test center name
- Test center address
- Date
- Time
- Status of booking
If you are not familiar with the area your testing center is located, I suggest making a practice physical trip to the location around the same time you are expected to be there.
You’ll become familiar with the route you expect to take and get some first hand experience of the traffic conditions (if you are driving) or public transportation schedules (if you plan to take public transport).
Find your report time. For SQE 1 my understanding is that you must arrive at least 30 mins before your scheduled exam start time unless you are testing in London Islington where you are required to arrive 1 hour before.
Testing centers may have different report times, please check and verify in advance.
Practicing this trip before the actual exam date will help you minimize variables. Of course, you cannot control traffic, road closures, public transport strikes, etc. But you can work around them.
Find a cafe near the testing center in case you are early. It’s better to be early than late and frustrated.
If you are able to, maybe considering getting a hotel close to the testing center. Reduce as many distractions/ variables as you can for the testing days.
2. Check your ID/ Entry requirements
Your assessment booking / schedule will inform you of the ID requirements. Generally, you’ll need two forms of ID and preferably one of these should be the same ID you used when registering.
A current valid passport is recommended as the primary form of ID. Other forms of ID are provided in the assessment booking/ schedule.
Take a look at your ID’s check they are still current (with a valid date), photo, signature, as needed. If you changed your name since the booking, do the names match.

3. Day before/ day after the exam
It might be tempting to cram as much information in as possible the day before. In my opinion, it’s ok to do some light study if you need. However, you want your brain to perform optimally. The SQE exam is likely one of the hardest exams you’ll ever take.
I would not suggest taking a full mock exam the day before. Conserve your energy and brain power for the actual day. Maybe do an activity that helps your mind relax. Find what makes you happy and brings your mind to ease.
Similarly the day after, it might be tempting to start going through the materials and second guess yourself. Did you answer that question correctly. Did you do enough.
Take some time to let your mind breathe and relax. If you have additional day(s) of testing left, start focusing on doing the best you can for those assessments.
4. Exam layout/ screen
Review what your exam/ screen layout will look like using the Pearson VUE assessment platform. Experience the functionality and layout of how the questions will look, where the calculator is, how to flag questions, move forward etc.
SQE 1 exam functionality here
SQE 2 exam functionality here
5. Maintain your study schedule/ goals
The amount of information and modules in the SQE exam is vast. Is there a module or topic you are not feeling confident at. Don’t neglect that module or topic. Study it the best you can. Getting a few additional questions correct might make all the difference.
Bonus: you Got This!
Remember you have been working hard for this exam. You got this!
Time may be stretched thin during the testing period. It’s ok to say No to things that do not fit your schedule.
Once the testing period is finished take some time for yourself. Take yourself for that drive, favorite restaurant, spend some quality time with your friends and family. Do what makes you happy. You did it!
These are my 5 tips before taking the SQE exam. What would you add?