How to Pick an SQE Course
Last week we shared “Top Resources for Aspiring Lawyers” where we shared the SRA training provider’s list. If you’ve seen the list it can be overwhelming, so many provider’s to choose from. Hence, in today’s issue of SQE Journey we share how to pick an SQE course.

5 factors to consider before picking an sQE course
While everyone has different levels of learning needs, we all want the same end result. To pass the SQE exam. Spend some time figuring out what works best for you based on your learning styles and needs.
1. Is the content provided in multiple formats?

Learning is different for each individual. Some like to read, some prefer watching videos. Time is often a precious resource for many aspiring solicitors, between work, home, and commitments we may not have much time left to dedicate to studying. Some prefer small bite size lessons that can be easily digested and focuses on one or two learning outcomes at a time.
When reviewing course providers understand how the course is delivered. While many courses are delivered online, ask if are you required to attend any synchronous sessions or can you study asynchronous.
Does the course have any “live sessions” and is attendance mandatory? Can you commit to mandatory sessions. If no, are the sessions recorded so you can view at a later date.
If in person, can you commit to the schedule. What happens if you are unable to attend one session (or miss a few over the course). You’ll need to factor in travel time and cost.
Does the provider have a specific app or do they use Zoom / Microsoft Teams? and are you able to access the technology. You may need to install the Zoom/ Microsoft Teams app.
2. How does the learning strengthen your understanding

Traditionally, we expect lectures or something similar. However, this style of teaching in my opinion is becoming antiquated and students are turned off very quickly.
The SQE exam is not something you can memorize. You need to study hard to get a good understanding of the core concepts.
Does the course give you an opportunity to discuss what you have learned, maybe with a learning coach/ tutor, with other students, or in a facilitated group discussion.
Or what learning techniques does the course use to help you solidify your understanding of the course materials.
3. Ability to practice SQE questions

One of the most important factors in my opinion is to have access to practice SQE questions with a good explanation of the answers.
Side note: When you are practicing SQE questions, it is easy to move on to the next question without fully understanding why you answered that question correctly or incorrectly.
If you answered correctly do you know why that particular answer choice is correct.
Similar if you answered incorrectly do you know why?
A course provider with explanations to questions that tie back to learning outcomes is invaluable.
4. How are the nuances covered?

Do you have access to a learning coach or tutor who you can talk to regarding the technical aspects of the materials. As you all know, law in reality is not like suits and therefore, one person won’t have knowledge off all the areas of law.
Does the course provider provide access to someone who can help with the technical aspects. It might be as simple as sending a message and receiving a response in 24-48 hours. How do you interact with that person, if access is similar to a ticket based system, do you have the opportunity to follow up or does that mean having to create a new ticket?
5. Community

Does the course have a community element. If so, what does the community promote. In my opinion learning with others is a good way to get motivated and keep on track.
Think about what you would want to get out of the community. A community can be amazing to help with your studies, however, can also be a time suck if the community is not structured properly.
Summary – How to Pick an SQE course
Some will agree with the above 5 factors and some will disagree. That is ok. The point here is to find what works best for you. Look for course providers that can provide you with the tools you need to navigate and pass the SQE exam.
Provider’s will have their unique perspectives to the SQE, however, at the end of the day you take responsibility to study and put in the hours to pass the SQE exam.
The Admin stuff – How to Pick an SQE course
The above 5 factors look at How to Pick an SQE Course purely from the course aspects only. However, there are other items you should be aware of such as:
- How reputable is the course provider?
- What is the experience and background of the learning coaches/ tutors?
- Do you have access to funding (how will you pay for the course)
- What do other students have to say about their experience?
- What is their refund policy? (Before starting the course and once started)
- Can you defer once started? (what if any, are the associated costs)
- How much does the course cost?
- Is it beneficial to sit a degree program that includes SQE as part of the curriculum?
- How do you enroll? (do you need to enroll in a certain window)
- How do you pay/ Is a payment plan available?
- Does the provider have any partnerships/ access to other services that might benefit you in your study?
- Does the provider provide any practical experience, and if so, can you use that towards your Qualifying Work Experience?
- How much time can you spend studying? (do you want to take the course in a short duration or longer duration. If you are a full time student you may prefer a shorter duration. On the other hand if you work part time a longer duration course will likely be more beneficial to incorporate in your schedule)
- In the event you do not pass FLK 1 or FLK 2 or SQE 2 are you able to resit the course as you prepare for your second attempt? (I know nobody wants this result (or even think about it) but knowing can potentially save you some money as the provider may have conditions you need to complete).
What’s important to you?
When searching for a SQE course what factors are important to you? Let me know in this LinkedIn post.