No Question left behind
By the end of 90 questions per session for SQE 1. There should be no question left behind. Answer all 90 questions.
Do not leave any question unanswered
- If you do not know the answer, try and eliminate the wrong answer choices. If you are down to two potential “single best answer choices” pick one. Do not leave any question blank
- If you are running out of time and for example, you have three minutes left to answer 10 questions. You need to guess on around 8 of the questions. Do not leave any question blank
- Under no situation leave any question blank
Why no Question left behind
If you leave any question(s) blank, you will earn a 0 on that question. While guessing is not a SQE strategy, however, when time is running out select one answer. A slim (1 in 5) chance exists you get it right. 20% is better than 0% chance of getting the question right.
July 2025 SQE 1 booking information
If you are planning to sit SQE 1 in July please read on.
- To reserve a seat for the July 2025 sitting you must reserve a seat by completing the seat reservation form. Keep an eye on your emails on 24th March at approximately 6 pm for the seat reservation form
- For more information please follow the steps outlined in the key booking information from the SRA
- Seat allocation is a first come, first served basis. Get your completed forms in early