SQE Journey

SQE is a closed book exam

Recently I saw someone online talking about creating notes in the text book margins that could be potentially used in the SQE exam. SQE is a closed book exam. You cannot use any notes in the SQE.

To clarify the person did the LPC and it was open book. It sounded like that person was not aware the SQE is a closed book exam. Hence, they were suggesting tips that helped them with the LPC.

This got me thinking.

When taking practice tests/ questions should you look at your notes?

My response is an emphatic no (with one limited exception)!

Firstly, why no

  1. The SQE is a closed book exam
  2. Start getting into the habit of replicating exam day conditions
  3. Your practice test scores will artificially increase. Therefore, when revising you cannot rely on your practice scores to determine your strengths and weaknesses. Which impacts how much time you spend revising each topic.

Next why yes (only to be used in a limited exception)

When starting out your practice test scores might be low. Some may see this low score and feel they are not good enough. Remember: you are more than good enough! You got this. Do not let a low practice score deter you.

In fact, I would suggest that is it better to get low scores in practice. You can then review the area(s) where your scores could use improvement. Use the low score to find areas you can improve in.


If you need a boost in the beginning maybe it isn’t the end of the world if you peeked at your notes.

However, my suggestion is not to make this a regular practice.

If possible, I would urge you not to peek at your notes. But understand if in the beginning you feel the need.

To learn more about how to manage your time read SQE 1 – Time Per Question.

Next week we’ll talk about what to do instead.

If you are planning to take the SQE consider joining SQE Journey Labs. You’ll get:

  • Community of individuals who are studying the SQE exam
  • Regular virtual events (study sessions, networking/ social hour)

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