SQE Test Preparation

SQE Practice Questions

Take as many SQE practice questions as you can. Reading, taking notes, and summarizing can limit your understanding. Your SQE materials have all the information you need. Transposing it into a different form generally won’t help you remember and understand it.

If you have not yet read go read learn how to study. To be clear, I’m not against taking notes, they can be helpful if used correctly. I am against spending time transposing textbook notes into hand written notes.

There will be times where you need to memorize important items such as time periods (dispute resolution) and mnemonics like MERRP to describe the 5 legal interests in land (Mortgages, Easements, Rent charges, Right of entry, and Profit a’ prendre)

Creating quick one pagers or mind maps for concept like the above two items can be very helpful.

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Where to find SQE Practice Questions

SRA provides free practice questions.

  1. SQE1 Functioning Legal Knowledge FLK1 sample questions from the SRA
  2. SQE1 Functioning Legal Knowledge FLK2 sample questions from the SRA
  3. Other resources are listed in the Top Resources For Aspiring Solicitors post

Review the right and Wrong answer choices

The SQE is a single best answer choice test. Meaning you may see two (or more) answer choices that are very similar and both technically could be right. However, one is the “better” right.

At the end of every practice quiz/ test spend some time reviewing both the;

  • Right answer choice. It is easy to skip over this. Especially, if you’ve got the answer right, why spend time reading the reason. I would argue that reading the reasoning helps strengthen your understanding of the subject. This is particularly helpful when you’ve narrowed it down to two choices and you pick the correct answer choice.
  • Wrong answer choices – Similarly understand the nuances of why you picked (or avoided) the wrong answer choice. Did you mis-read the question, or maybe you did not pick up the double negative in the question. Understanding why something is the wrong answer choice also helps strengthen your understanding of the subject.

Therefore, if you are short on time (let’s be honest who isn’t) allocate some time to take as many practice quiz/ tests as you can AND allocate time to read the reasoning.

Focus on your weaker areas

Provided you are not looking at your notes to answer the questions. Your practice scores will show areas you maybe need to spend additional time on. Focus your time on areas where you can pick up additional points. I know tax and solicitor accounts can be difficult, especially if you are not a numbers person. However, getting a few extra questions right in those subjects could potentially help you cross the finish line. Plus it can take some pressure off the other subjects.

SRA SQE 1 assessment Specifications

As you progress through the FLK 1 and FLK 2 topics keep an eye on the SRA SQE assessment specifications and match your areas of strength’s and weaknesses against the subject areas.

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